Monday, September 29, 1997

Our First Princess Campout

Since we just joined Indian Princesses last week, our new tribe couldn't get it together to go to this first campout of the year, so Geneva and I hooked up with the Chippewas.

The campout was terrific and terrible in turns. Geneva and I left home Friday afternoon, had a nice dinner in a Chino restaurant, and arrived at the campground a little after dark. We pitched the tent (Geneva had a great time hammering stakes) and off she went with the even dozen little girls of the Chippewa tribe, giggling and screeching like they'd known each other all their lives.

Geneva loved it, hanging with older girls (up to 8 -- she's just 5), learning age-inappropriate games, songs and jokes. They spent some time playing "Double Dare" ("OK, go up to my dad, shake his hand, and yell "Peekaboo!") after the exhausting game of Freeze Tag.

We got in the sleeping bags around 10:30 (2 hours after Bedtime!) and read some "Hobbit". Then the bad part starts -- in the middle of the night, the Santa Ana winds came up, hard. Somehow my old, thin, "summer tent" stood up all night, but the buffeting woke us up several times during the night. Next morning, as the guys were trying to make breakfast, a gust came through and blew the iron skillets full of bacon right off the propane stove! Needless to say, Saturday was pretty miserable, but, kids are flexible -- they spent most of the day (after the Nature Hike in the wind) playing in one of the vans.

After lunch, there was an attempt at a Program -- they had some Real Live Indians showing us their crafts, and talking about their customs, clothes, food, etc. And there was a Storyteller that the kids really liked. Tough in the 30 mph wind, though.

After the program, I started to feel pretty lousy -- to spare the ugly details, I had come down with a 24(ish) hour stomach flu (as did my wife back home). I toughed it out until after dinner, but couldn't manage any more than that. We drove home, Geneva asleep, and me pulling off every third exit to find a fast-food joint to throw up in.

Anyway, it was great while it lasted. Geneva had a great time, and gave me incredible grief for dragging her out of there early. It can only get better from here.

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