Monday, April 18, 2005

KC - RSM 15Apr05

RSM was pretty good, as, I suppose, it usually is these days. Margie's boyfriend and his thirty-something daughter (Allison?) were already there when I got there, and Margie showed up a little while later. Patty from up the hill came in with her three kids, as did Princess dad Kevin with his three. But before any kids showed up, I handed a song list to Margie's party, and after reading it through, Allison wanted to hear "Rubber Duckie". Another familiar looking lady was there, who I eventually figured out was the wife of the Ovation Expert guy that we met there before. After "Rubber Duckie", she asked for "Last Unicorn", and somebody else wanted "Rainbow Connection". All these kids' songs were asked for by adults, but we were "pretending" that I was actually playing them for the one 10-year-old boy that was there with his parents, not really listening. So I gave him a sheet, and he asked for (adult song) "First Cut is the Deepest", to great amusement all around.

Later on, I was just finishing a song when a middle-aged lady came around the corner of the magazine rack and loudly proclaimed, "You mean that wasn't a *record*?!?" which sent the café into a stunned silence. I was taken aback, of course, but managed to say something about "No, it's just me...", followed by some lame jokes about there actually being a CD player in the amp, and I'm lip-synching. What I *wished* I'd'a said is, "Thanks, Mom, but you're laying it on a little too heavy!" but I'm not that quick-witted.

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