Tuesday, January 10, 2006

K&W - SCP 06Jan2006

Warren and I played at South Coast Plaza on Friday. Because of Thanksgiving, Christmas and all, it's the first time we've played together since November 12th, 8 weeks ago -- our longest break since we started playing Tully's almost 4 years ago.

We did surprisingly OK, though my voice was pretty trashed from this cold that's left my head, but won't leave my throat. We both knew we'd better practice during the week, and it seems to have worked, though I made more than my usual allotment of big guitar mistakes.

But overall, pretty good. I think I got a song or two on the recording for the website that are worth hearing. We were lucky to have a friendly audience, starting out with old-Toshiba-friend Karen Reader, who's back from a 10-year stint in Kansas. Fortunately, Warren had some oblique advance warning, or neither of us woulda recognized her, but she knew us, and seemed pretty happy to see us, too.

We had polite and occasionally enthusiastic applause most of the night, but most surprising was a little round of applause at the very end, as I "signed off" -- kind of a "let's give it up one more time" round, though sans MC prompting, of course. We've never had that before.

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