Monday, February 19, 2007

KC at Costa Mesa - 16Feb2007

This was my first solo Borders gig in, wow, a long time -- apparently 14 months. I used to do about one a month, in Rancho Santa Margarita, but since they shut down doing music at that store, I've been being too chicken to play solo at any of the other stores -- and typically getting three gigs a month with Warren, which is almost enough.

But this month, since we somehow didn't get any gigs at all in the initial schedule, we had to pick up scraps from the "Opens". I had to do a solo, or I'd'a only had one gig the whole month. It was at Costa Mesa, which Warren and I had done just the Saturday before, but that actually worked out well, 'cuz (a) they were pretty nice to us, and (b) it felt familiar and comfortable to be there. Not to mention that a full-sized gig the week before is good practice for a gig this week.

Warren's gotten into posting videos up on YouTube lately, and I was gonna try to experiment with setting up my vidcam to catch some tunes. The idea was to put it over at the side, so it (a) wouldn't be right in the middle of the room and in the way, and (b) could catch me and Warren in a single edge-on frame, without being a huge wide shot. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a place to put the camera where it could see me (and "virtual Warren") without being right in the walkway where it would surely get knocked over. I think it'll be possible at South Coast Plaza, but not at Costa Mesa.

Which is a shame, 'cuz the performance felt pretty good. With the "rehearsal" the week before, I was playing well, and feeling loose. I think I did some pretty good work. It was one of those nights when the sound sounds particularly good (to me), so I can really knock it out. Not sure why, though. Obviously, a big difference is that Warren wasn't there, so the songs sound different, but it was a kind of "clarity" that made the difference. My only theory is that the second speaker, which is usually back behind Warren, was much closer to me so I was getting completely immersed in the sound field. Or maybe it was just my imagination...

Speaking of Warren, we apparently make more of an impression that I'd imagined, 'cuz at least three people (mostly the store employees) asked me "where my partner was". (He was in Yorba Linda with Jim, playing one of the other scarce "Opens".)

Anyway, it was pretty fun. My ex-boss Tim came by and listened for a while, and there were several folks that I now know to be "regulars" there, too. But unlike the Mission Viejo regulars, these guys are quiet and appreciative. I had to quit at 10:08, when the manager pointedly pointed at her wrist, but I was prepared for it this time and my voice was starting to go anyway.

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