Monday, January 07, 2008

K&W (-W) at Tustin -- 04Jan2008

We were both pretty sick, but although Warren couldn't make it, I decided that I had to at least try, if only to see if I could pull it off, so I'd know whether or not I could make it to the important re-introduction to Mission Viejo gig the next night. With enough cough medicine, I actually managed OK, and although I had to abort two songs due to uncontrollable coughing fits, the small audience seemed to be sympathetic.

As I was tuning up, an older guy saw my sign and asked me if I knew a guy named "Don Comer". I said that that was my dad's name, and he told me that he had worked with him back at McDonald/Douglas. That was kinda fun, and he sat and listened appreciatively for a while.

Mostly uneventful, otherwise. Pretty small turn-out, 'cuz of the rain and all, I guess. Had a young family come by and the dad asked to hear "I Don't Want To Live On the Moon", a Sesame Street song I learned a long time ago, but nobody's ever asked for -- I think I even dropped it from the K&W list, just for the space. But it's a great kids' song, though I don't think his 7-year-old daughter had ever heard it...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm very glad you made it, even though I shamelessly flaked out!