Saturday, November 08, 2008

K&W at Borders South Coast Plaza -- 07Nov2008

A generally pretty good night. I had that (or another?) voice thing again, where I my voice wasn't doing what I was telling it to, and wouldn't go into "head voice" (I think?) so I was singing pretty poorly for the first hour-and-forty-five -- but then it cleared up. Unfortunately, just because it was blocked somehow, doesn't mean it wasn't getting "used", so by the time it got fixed, it was also tired out. I'm frankly starting to worry.

Anyway, once my voice was working, it was pretty fun. There was hardly anyone left at that point, of course, so I just kind of kicked out the jambs and belted the last batch of tunes. It's really fun when I manage to just let go like that -- it only happens if there's somebody listening, or *nobody* listening. I'll have to try to let 'er rip more often -- it's too fun to let it wait until it happens by itself.

For the first half-hour or so, we had several people right up front, listening and asking for songs. That made for a great start, even without a cooperating voice. The settings on the amp had been tweaked for the outdoor event last week, and sounded new and cool here in the quiet of that store. And I had the tip jar out more blatantly than usual, which may have helped sell two CDs, and make us $22 overall, which is pretty good for a store, on a Friday.

I got to try out my pretty-new "Ruby Tuesday" and "Sweet Dreams" again -- still working OK for me. And I had my new iPod set up to record the whole thing, with its little $10 mic, and the result is pretty OK. It's sure a lot easier to set up than a whole notebook like we did a couple dozen times to collect the tracks on the "Live" CD. I thought that "Golden Slumbers", which I learned recently, and am using as a closing number nowadays, came out quite well. Listen to it here. If the link doesn't work, type in:

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