Sunday, October 12, 2014

Keith in Laguna Beach -- Sunday, 12Oct2014

I was hoping it would be half as good as Saturday night had been, but no such luck. When I got there, the two guys I least expected to see were occupying the bench, Shirtless Josh (who was supposed to be in jail) and Robo Mike, who I had dropped off at his mom's house a week before, and I'd hoped would stay there (apparently, he sat in the backyard all night, sobered up, and changed his mind about staying there). Across from them on the side bench was Hawaiian Buddha Mark, pulling his "Me Crazy Wildman!" routine, to gales of laughter from the guys. Little Mexican Lady was there, and introduced herself as "Giselle", with the "it's German" 'G' pronounced like the 'ch' in 'Bach'. (Maybe she's actually "Little *German* Lady"?) And then up came Disabled Vet, who launched into a tirade at Josh about his girlfriend.

With this cast of characters installed, this was obviously a lost cause, so I rolled over to the Fingerhut side.

Which wasn't half bad, for a while. I had several vacationing families come by, so I played "Twinkle Twinkle" and the "Frozen" songs. A guy and his wife came by, and he noticed and was completely fascinated by (and had to take pictures of) my phone being attached to the head of my guitar so I can take pictures while I'm playing. Dude, it's just an iPhone and some rubber bands -- I'm no Jony Ive, here...

After an hour, Josh and Mike left, so I rolled over to the ice cream side, where only Disabled Vet was left. He (proudly?) explained that he was "messed up" and "getting myself in trouble with what I'm saying to these girls". Which was entirely too accurate -- he was being incredibly rude and disgusting, which surprised me, 'cuz he's usually a really nice guy. Must have been the girlfriend trouble...

So I played two or three songs and gave up, at only 8:15. I was glad I hadn't called Warren to waste his time on this fiasco. I just hope this isn't a preview of what The Corner will be like going forward -- it's been so nice down there without these guys.

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