Saturday, January 31, 2015

Keith in Dana Point -- Saturday, 31Jan2015

When I came to Dana Point on Tuesday it seemed like a great place to play, so I thought I'd try a Saturday, especially since The Corner in Laguna is blocked all the time these days.

Turns out, it's not really the "night spot" that Laguna is, so not many people came by. Of course, it was kind of cold, too, but it seems like, since there's not much to do down there, people don't come to just hang out -- most folks were walking their dogs or jogging.

But it's really quiet and the people who did come by were very appreciative. The tips per person ratio was really high, so I did really well, even with the thin traffic.

I started about 6:15 and had fun until 8:30 when a little electric utility vehicle came screaming up with "Wayne", the custodian (superintendent?), busting me for playing without a permit. He says I can get a permit from the Harbor Master for an unknown price, and then I can play, away from the businesses, and without an amp. He threatened, several times, to call the cops if I didn't leave, and insisted on staying and watching me tear down to make sure that I wouldn't start back up once he'd left.

All the long-time buskers say that playing music on public property is First Amendment protected free speech, but Wayne wasn't swayed by that argument. Indeed he wouldn't (or couldn't) tell me what part of the sidewalk was "public" versus "owned by these businesses" (I was near the coffee & ice cream shop).

Wayne was a classic, cartoonish, Little Tyrant. I was afraid that he was going to pull out a string of pearls just so he could clutch them in horror at my breaking of The Rules. I suppose I should have let him call the cops, just to see if they could quote me some specifics on what is and isn't allowed, but the traffic was nearly gone anyway, and I didn't want to get into it, so I packed up (under his watchful eye) and left.

But it was fun while it lasted, and a lady asked me for a card, saying that she worked at the St. Regis hotel and might want to hire me for events there, so maybe something will come of that.

I guess I'll have to do some research into this alleged Permit, and see if I can figure out how to play down there without incurring Wayne's wrath.


Bob Knight said...

I think it would be SO COOL for you to spend a night in jail for playing quiet, polite, folk/pop music. The press it might generate could change things for you, and those who follow. Triple-dog-dare?

John Johnson said...

You know what they say about "pioneers"... Maybe the permit is all it takes to turn a petty tyrant into a fan. Get that (and an endorsement from the coffee shop owner) and Wayne's aff will be well and duly covered. At that point, he might just overlook the amplification.