Saturday, January 14, 2017

K&W in Laguna Beach -- Saturday, 14Jan2017

When I got to The Corner, there was a little duo already set up there: Tim & Anna, aka "Kangaroo Rat". Tim plays accordion (really well) and Anna plays along on a glockenspiel. They play soundtrack music (their "Game of Thrones" sounds *great*!) and some originals, but everything sounds like a French rom-com movie soundtrack, or maybe the background music for a surreal Czechoslovakian stop-motion short.

Anyway, Warren talked them into moving up the street at 7:00, which would leave us half of what we were expecting, but better than nothing at all.

They actually quit around 6:20, though, because a lively little six-year-old brought down the house with her dancing, eventually joined by Anna, and they figured they couldn't top that and bowed out.

Wonderfully, the family came back after a while to let her dance with some of my music.

Otherwise, a pretty subdued evening. We had enough listeners to keep it interesting, but it was pretty cold so people didn't want to stay for long. Frankly, sometimes that new 9:00 curfew saves us from ourselves...

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