Friday, February 03, 2006

K&W - MV 21Jan2006

It went pretty good, again. The sound tends to be pretty good there, and Warren was at the controls of the amp. He likes it up quite a bit louder than I do (or, more accurately, he's braver to "fill the room" than I am), and when it's nice and loud you get this "Voice of God" effect, and that's really fun.

Unfortunately, Mission Viejo has developed a "cast of regulars" that are there, seemingly, literally every night (one guy mentioned having seen "Jim & Warren" the previous night). That's OK, of course, and they seem to be in the right age bracket to like the tunes we do, but they pretty much think they own the place so they talk, loudly, all the time, during the songs. It seems terribly rude to me, but I suppose from their viewpoint, I'm being terribly rude to invade "their" space and start making a bunch of amplified noise.

Problem is, it's *really* distracting, and takes a great force of will for me to just power on ahead and try not to notice the commotion. It's really hard, and keeps dragging me out of my "suspension of fear" that allows me to be up there singing at all. "Dues", I guess.

On the upside, I brought my electric guitar for the first time, and used it for the more "rock" songs. That was pretty fun, and worked out well. Unfortunately, we were trying yet another recording method, so although it sounded OK in the room, the recording is unbalanced. Oh, well, there's plenty more chances, and with all the distraction, they probably weren't my best performances anyway.

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