Wednesday, May 09, 2007

K&W at CM - 05May2007

Pretty good night. The amp didn't blow up this time, so that's a start...

We set up really early, 'cuz we're getting used to getting kicked out at 10. Most places that close at 10 start the music at 7, so we're just treating that place as a 7-10er, even though officially it's an 8-11.

Downside of that, though, was that there was nobody there yet, so it was hard to get started, playing (and, worse, announcing) to an empty room. But it started filling in after a while, and people were tuning in. My voice, which, by my experiments singing in the car in the days leading up to the gig, was gonna be a terrible embarrassment (cracking and just cutting out), turned out to be the best it's been in many weeks. And at times, better than I can remember for a long time. I was hitting high notes, and had a kind of nimbleness that I haven't seen in forever. Truth be told, it was making me kind of cocky, and I took chances I won't usually touch. Fun!

The last hour or 45 minutes we had a kind of full house, and it seemed ridiculous to shut down just when the crowd had finally materialized and gotten in the groove, but the Mean Girl Manager doesn't see any of that...

We had lots of people come up and tell us that we were "really good", and one guy seemed to be telling Warren that he was gonna fix us up with a (presumably paid) party somewhere. We'll see...

Tried out the new "Girl", a Beatles song from "Rubber Soul". It sounds pretty good at home, but just kind of laid there in the store. I'll give it another go or two, but it may just not "have it". Shame, too, 'cuz it's a song where I actually strum (gasp!) the guitar, and it actually works.

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