Wednesday, March 11, 2009

K&W at Irvine Spectrum -- 07Mar2009

Well, I dunno -- that was a weird one. It was just so extremely *variable*.

Before I was even set up yet (I got there too early, and was waiting for the previous guy to clear the stage), this sweet little apple-doll of an HR lady from work and her husband showed up. They were gonna listen to me for a while, and then go see "Watchmen". She seemed to really like my stuff, but wanted me to play something "peppier", and when I did, they got up -- and danced. To that one, and two or three subsequent songs. That doesn't happen very often (or at all, before?). There was basically nobody else around, and after they left, that's how it was for most of the rest of the night. Admittedly, it was darn cold.

We did get the customary roving bands of teenagers, many of whom are tempted, if usually not quite bold enough, to harass us for the crime of being old. Sometimes they come around -- after the obligatory "comic" requests for shred metal or punk bands, followed by the oh-so-ironic requests for "Puff, the Magic Dragon" and "Rubber Duckie" -- to actually asking for some classic tune that they like: "Let it Be" or something.

But my voice was sometimes fine, and sometimes just trashed, and then OK again. Never seen it like that before. My playing was good, whenever my fingers were warm enough to play. We started out with no heater, but the maintenance guys finally showed up with one. It worked for about 10 minutes, and went out. There was nothing much we could do about that, but a nice lady in the audience (at that point, she and her husband *were* the audience) went inside the Food Court and somehow found a way to get the guys to come back out with a new propane tank. Wow -- that was beyond the call of duty.

One odd thing -- a lady asked Warren how much the CDs were (as they do since he's close to the CD table), and he told her "Whatever you want to put in the jar", and she ended up putting a twenty in there, and taking 3 CDs -- 2 "Live" and 1 "Bears". First time I've seen anyone decide they needed multiple copies.

Anyway, overall, it was pretty good, and pretty bad, in turns. I think maybe I was just tired.

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