Friday, September 17, 2010

Keith at Irvine Spectrum – 11Sept2010

Well, school's officially started, and the Food Court is pretty dead. Maybe it'll pick up again after all the excitement's over, but every week for the past 3 has had fewer people than the one before. Note to self: If you're gonna have a trashed voice for a 10-15 week stretch, don't do it in the summer next time. I up and missed the best playin' time…

I was hoping, again, to be able to tune my guitar to concert pitch, maybe after a while warming up at a half-step down, but I never really got the impression that I'd get away with it. But it was pretty comfortable singing down the half-step, so maybe I'm very slowly approaching "fixed".

Never a lot of people, but an occasional friendly group to play for. One 30-something couple sat and listened a long time, and the girl unexpectedly and raucously joined in singing/shouting the chorus "Time After Time". That was odd.

I have a section in The Book of songs that I mostly-know, and are there in case someone asks for them, but not on The List 'cuz they don't seem that popular. I occasionally run through them to remember how to play 'em, which I did on Saturday. That was lucky because out of the blue, a guy asked for "If You Could Read My Mind". If I hadn't run through it earlier in the day, it would have been a disaster.

Anyway, pretty fun, even without much of a crowd to play for, and $44 isn't bad (especially considering how few people were there). Next week is South Coast Plaza, and then I'm out for a while for my vacation, so it'll be a while before I'm back at Spectrum.

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