Sunday, September 05, 2010

Keith at Irvine Spectrum – 04Sept2010

It's Labor Day weekend, so I wasn't expecting many people out, but it was the opposite -- lots of people, all evening long. It was pretty hot in the day, but a pleasantly warm night, so people seemed to just stay -- it was the most people I've had still-there all the way to the end, ever.

My voice has gotten noticeably better over the past week (finally!), so I took a chance and brought my guitar back up a half-step, so it's only a half-step down from normal pitch. That helped a lot as far as it, and me, sounding really low, and most of my songs were sing-able there. I even felt like I occasionally had enough "left over" to actually *sing* parts of some of the songs, as opposed to just hitting the notes.

Two sleeve-tattooed, black-T-shirted guys sat down at the very front table even before I got started, and, far from heckling me with requests for Ozzy tunes as one might expect, they asked for classic stuff off my list, very politely. Their first request was "Hotel California", which I've been opening with anyway, so that worked out well. Then "Hey Jude", "Help From My Friends", and a lot of others, until finally the girls that they were apparently waiting for showed up, and off they went. Great way to get started, though.

Lots of nice older people out too, quietly hanging around, though most were too shy to request anything (or, as they invariably insist when called out, "You're doing great -- I love all these songs!"). Some couples sat and listened for an hour or more, I'm sure.

And, especially early on, lots of kids playing in the fountain. That makes it crazy and pretty noisy, but I'm starting to think that I have a symbiotic relationship with the kids -- the fountain brings the families out, and my tunes keep the parents less bored, so the kids get to play longer. Especially on such a warm night -- there were kids still playing in the fountain way past dark, with their parents smiling and nodding at me.

Towards the end, there was a cheerful guy shouting great ("Eagles!") and crazy ("Boz Skaggs!") requests. He audibly liked my rendition of "Old Man", so I took the opportunity to play "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes" for someone who'd recognize it. Seemed to go over with him, but not so much with everyone else. Bummer -- I'm really liking playing that one. Then, when it was almost 10:00, I decided to play "Nature Boy", just to get it in, but it just completely flopped. Wrong mood and setting -- it still might work at a Borders. I did *not* get the chance (or the guts?) to play Kelly Clarkson's "My Life Would Suck Without You", which I had worked up earlier in the day. It plays really well, but it's a bit out of my wheelhouse. But if I get a pack of tweens out there one of these nights, I'm gonna whip it out and blow their minds. Or not.

Anyway, it was a great night -- basically no "down time" the whole 4 hours. That's never happened before. I'm pretty sure I had more tippers (though less actual money), than last week. More singles, fewer fives, but still $55 ain't bad.

I wish I coulda played later, but I had warned the crowd that I'd have to quit at ten, and they apparently believed me and started clearing out at 5-'til. Actually, I can usually play another 10 or 15 minutes before the Maintenance guys show up, but my left-hand fingertips were really hurting, so, since most of the crowd was gone anyway, I went ahead and shut it down just a little after 10.

I hadn't even noticed the pain in my fingers until 9:45, when I looked at the clock and realized that I only had 15 minutes left. Now I know how Wile E. Coyote feels when he's run out over the ravine and doesn't fall until he looks down.

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