Friday, December 24, 2010

Thoughts on The Hat

I've been thinking about the response I had at the Santa's Workshop line the other day, and I think it was at least partially the effect of The Hat. At 6-foot-2, I'm a somewhat scary Big Man, and any given kid is in a foreign place (mall or Civic Center park), confronted with a Stranger, and is bound to be a little apprehensive in interacting with me. Mom seems to be OK with it, and the Big Man is playing and singing My Kinda Songs, but still...

But when I put on The Hat, I'm suddenly Something Else. With The Hat on, I'm not a Big Scary Man anymore -- I'm a Character; a Clown maybe; or something from TV. Kids are suddenly completely confortable talking to me, telling me their stories/concerns, asking for songs (sometimes while I'm in the middle of singing other songs!), screaming demands at me ("Play it again!"), etc.

It's magical, and quite wonderful. I'm thinking of wearing it year-round. Or at least whenever I'm likely to be playing for little kids.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is a curious effect, as with the hat on you'll be standing about 6'5", but I'm sure you're right that it has magically transformative powers that counteract that factor.