Sunday, March 20, 2011

K&W at Borders South Coast Plaza -- 18Mar2011

K&W at Borders South Coast Plaza -- 18Mar2011 Pretty standard quiet night at Borders. One older guy asked for a few songs, and stared at me intently while I played 'em. He wasn't all that enthusiastic, though -- I suspect he was a guitar player and just wanted to see how I played 'em. Or maybe just shy.

And there was another guy who was pretty enthusiastic, but started his requests with "Music of the Night" from "Phantom of the Opera". Not exactly my style, though I suppose it *could* work on guitar. Still, weirdest request of the month, if not the year.

Anyway, we played on through with not much recognition, but it still beats watching TV. When we got to the last song, Warren suggested "Waiting", which is just an amazing song. Too bad it's so obscure.

Ended up with $7 in tips, 5 of which came from Mr. Music of the Night, who apparently liked my non-Phantom tunes well enough, as well.

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