Sunday, March 20, 2011

Keith at Irvine Spectrum -- 19Mar2011

Wow, what a night! Started out great, went to darn good, and ended terrific.

Before I got started, there was a birthday party going on behind me in the food court -- little Gracie was turning 8. Her friends started yelling for me to sing Happy Birthday to her, which she was adamantly opposed to, but I did it anyway. That served as a pretty good start-up for me, and brought them all over to see the song list and start ordering up their favorites. I did several songs for them, interspersed with grown-up songs as they repeatedly got distracted and came back.

I inexplicably had a huge inventory of CDs in my case, and where I usually put out only a few (because I usually only sell a few, or none), this time I just put 'em all out. On one of Gracie's fly-bys, I told her to take one of the "Waltzing With Bears" CDs, as my birthday present to her. She was gratifyingly thrilled with that, and even more so when I remembered that I had a Sharpie with me, and offered to autograph the CD.

As usual, the group of kids dancing and bouncing around in front of me attracted even more clumps of kids/parents, and Gracie, having figured out that the CDs were available, was hawking them to the other kids, in her party and not. I guess I should have been giving her a commission, 'cuz she sold me out of all 5 "Bears" CDs -- her pitch hyping the included autograph was apparently quite persuasive.

Gracie's party was there for the whole first hour, keeping things interesting. After they left, it was a little calmer, but I always had people to play for. This was my first Spectrum (outside) gig since the time change, and it was strange to be playing in the daytime, but the "Spring is here-ness" brought lots of people out.

The middle section was pretty standard-issue, just playing the Greatest Hits, and some requests when I could coax one out of someone. Daleen showed up with the dogs, and I'd occasionally invite some kids over to pet them.

Later on, I had another batch of dancing kids, including a tiny girl (maybe 2 years old?) whose parents seemed convinced that she would dance, but she just stared at me. I played all my best rock'n'roll (such as they are) songs, but there was just too much distraction, I guess. Finally they gave up, but as they left the mom came up and said "I have something special for you", digging in her wallet and coming up with her business card. "It's a 'Get out of jail free' card, if you're ever in Fresno". Um, hows that again? But her card shows that she's an officer with the Fresno police department. I'm not in Fresno much, and I get arrested there even less often, but it was a nice gesture.

For the last hour, which turned into two, I had that really great "Don't want the date to be over" crowd. Somehow, it gets quieter and I can hear (and perform) much better. My throat kludge was cleared out, so I was singing pretty well, and the date people want the pretty love songs, which I'm pretty good at.

A couple in the comfy chairs way back by the theaters were clapping loudly after every song, and the man eventually came up and asked if I knew any James Taylor. Dude, you just said the magic words. I did several James songs, branched off to some Beatles and Simon & Garfunkel, and after a while they moved over to the not-quite-so-far-away comfy chairs to my right.

A young man came up and was pretty excited by the list and the CDs. He put a fiver in the bowl and asked for two songs, including "Moon River" which he'd seen on the "Try to Remember, a tribute to my dad" CD, though it's not really on The List. But it's still in The Book, so I gave it a shot, and managed to get through it fairly well. He said that these were songs that his mom used to sing to him to put him to sleep. Before he left, he dumped some more money in the bowl and took one of each CD.

By this time, I was way over the 10:00 stopping time, but the only thing that the maintenance guys needed to take away was the table cloth, so I cleared off the table, gave it to them, and kept playing. It was getting pretty cold, but the James Taylor fan couple held out all the way until 11:00. By then, they were pretty much the only ones left, so they came up and thanked me, the lady told me I was "a serendipity" (that's a good thing, right?) and I started packing up.

When we first started playing in coffeeshops, a friend from Toshiba came out and told us that the jelly jar that I was using for tips was too small. She was convinced that a big bowl would attract more money. That may or may not be true, but I have plenty of stuff to drag out there, and a big bowl seemed like unnecessary extra trouble. But recently I found a medium-sized crystal-looking plastic bowl at the Dollar Store, and have been trying that out. I don't know if it was the bowl or not, but I made $117. That included selling a record number of CDs -- I think 13 were missing, including all the "Bears" ones, and 3 of the 4 "Dad" ones, and 5 regular ones. Maybe having lots of CDs out makes it look like there "needs to be", 'cuz they're popular?

Or maybe I was just connecting with folks better than usual. Hard to say.


John Johnson said...

"Hey fella... you know any James Taylor?"
I wish I'd been there to see your face at that moment!

I must say, the best thing you do for those kids is to demonstrate that music is something that people do, not just consume from TV and radio. ...You could be their first encounter with a live performer... I suspect it's a real mind-blower for some four-year-olds.

Keith said...

Got an email this morning. "Fan mail"! Wish I remembered who she was, but she didn't introduce herself or anything...


Hey Keith!
Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know I have been listening to the CD all week! Love it! These songs bring back good memories for me! Thanks for that! Also wanted you to know I told all of my friends about you and where they can find you this weekend. Maybe some of them will show up!

Take care and stay warm!

Your newest fan,

Jeff Bowman said...

Wonderful! Perhaps it was the moon... or just your good sing'n!

Warren said...

Time for a bigger guitar case!

...and perhaps an IPO...