Friday, April 04, 2014

Keith at Irvine Spectrum -- Friday, 04Apr2014

Friday again, which means a slow start and a kinda quiet night. But I did have a huge party around 8:00, with lots of dancing kids and another big "Let It Go" on-stage sing-along.

Unfortunately, some kids think being on the stage is just too much fun, and I don't mind when they stay on the front edge, but that's never enough for some of them. I had one little girl in pink who got closer and closer until she was about to knock over the music stand, and then when she saw me clicking the buttons on the harmony box, she just had to join in on that. Which, of course, in the middle of a song causes havoc.

She was being almost handle-able, but then a little boy came up too, and he was even more dangerously curious. So after having to try to body block him away from the foot buttons for half a song, I had to request the parents to keep the kids off the stage. Which only half of them were willing to monitor...

I seem to have a bit of a stalker. The mystery lady was back again this week, sitting in the same comfy chair over by the Old Navy, staring at me for an hour or more from behind her aviator sunglasses. Not sure what the deal is there...

A family came by later on, so I handed them song lists, but I don't think they spoke any English. They talked among themselves in some language I couldn't even guess at, and finally the little girl just held the kids' list out and pointed at the "Frozen" sisters. "Let It Go", gotcha.


Roy Comer said...

Looks like you're gonna need a bouncer!

Warren Allen said...

Whoa... it's a jungle out there...

Jeff Bowman said...

"Mystery Lady" kinda has a Lady Gaga look... Perhaps you are being scouted?!

John Johnson said...

You need roadies and a bouncer
...and a manager to pay them.