Friday, August 01, 2014

Keith in Laguna Beach -- Friday, 01Aug2014

Got to The Corner ahead of the Tommies at 4:30. Fridays have been unusable lately because of Sanchez, but since he got busted for "unreasonably loud", he hasn't been a problem.

Of course, everybody else has to work on Fridays, so it's pretty dead at 4:30, but by 6:00 or 6:30 it livens up. I had a lot of friendly people and a huge Disney song party happened around 9:00. I had a nice and not-in-a-hurry local couple volunteer to watch my stuff just at 7:15 when I needed to go put some more money in the parking meter. The city recently reprogrammed the meters, and the rules are implemented somewhat randomly these days.

I was hoping to get myself to quit somewhat early to save some finger stamina for Saturday night, but that never works. Fortunately (?) around 10:30 some surly homeless guys came and started demanding songs, so I decided it was time to go home. Overall, it was a pretty good night; lots of friendly faces to play for, good tips, and seven CDs sold. Fridays are worth doing, but only on the ice cream corner.

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