Sunday, September 28, 2014

Keith in Laguna Beach -- Sunday, 28Sept2014

When I got there, the bench was literally full of homeless guys, but I overheard some talk of going to get something to eat, so I started to set up anyway. Turned out that the young guys left to eat, but three older, scruffier guys weren't part of the club and got left behind. I know a lost cause when I see it, and rolled across the street to the Fingerhut side.

Where it was completely dead. Hardly anyone even slowed down -- it was just me and the Cat in the Hat. But one girl took a look at the list and was completely thrilled to have me play "A Whole New World" from Aladdin. And two older ladies came by and one of them couldn't even wait until I was done singing "Catch the Wind" to tell me that I had "a *beautiful* voice". Flattering for sure, but she didn't have to act *so* surprised...

Anyway, when nobody is stopping, you have two choices. (A) Play all your best, most polished stuff, hoping to rope somebody in, or (B) Play for yourself: obscure stuff, and songs that need some more work to become A-List.

I did the latter: "Handyman", "Wonderful World", the Everly Brothers' "Dream", "Mexico", "Billy Jean". It was kinda fun. But when one of the homeless guys who can't even say nice things without cursing a blue streak came across the street aggressively demand that I *re*play "Mr. Bojangles" 'cuz it was his mom's favorite, I decided it was time to cut my losses.

But before I left, I went over to tell Shirtless Josh, who acts as a den mother to the rest of the homeless guys, that I had driven "Robo Mike" to his mom's house the night before, and not to worry about him -- his not being around on Sunday was probably a good sign.

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