Saturday, July 25, 2015

K&W in Laguna Beach -- Saturday, 25July2015

I went down at 8:00 just to get in line to take over from the Tommies, and was completely surprised to find the corner empty. Wish I'd'a known sooner, but still, yay!

Warren had another event to go to so I played solo until he got there at 9:30, and had pretty great crowds. I had requests three deep at one point, and sold a couple of CDs. There were long lines out the door of the ice cream shop, and the owner gave me a big smile and wave like it was all my doing. Nice of him to think so.

My little super-fan Natalia came by with her family again. A little boy was there ahead of her and he wanted to hear and sing "Let It Go". Natalia was not to be outdone and she and her pregnant mom came up to (kinda almost) sing "Over the Rainbow".

Angel, the guy who makes the palm frond roses arrived a little after I started. Fortunately, he didn't take over the whole bench like he used to, so he didn't impede the tourists' ability to use the bench much.

Lots of Brazilian people this week. Maybe it's some kind of holiday week down there. Anyway, they're quite the partiers, and one lady wanted me to play a Brazilian song for her to sing. I told her I didn't know any Brazilian songs (though I used to know "Girl from Ipanema" a little), so she just told me to "play along" as she launched into one. Um, I'm pretty good, but not that good, to just guess the chords of a song I've never heard...

Had another wedding party, I guess, by the clothes. I wish they'd'a said something, but by the time I figured it out, they were on their way. I’m all out of tiaras anyway.

There was a pretty big slump at 10 or so, but then it picked back up big time as the late-night bar crowds started to emerge. I played lots of up tempo songs and got some enthusiasm in return.

When it started to die back down again at 2am, I was still caffeined out, so I had fun running through some songs I don't usually get to: "Peace Train", "Behind Blue Eyes", "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes", "4 and 20", and some others. It was nice to break out of the Top Twenty for a while.

Finally gave up at 2:30, when there was nobody left at all, except Angel, who'd missed the last bus home. I think he was hoping that one of us would offer him a ride, but although he thinks we're friends, I think he's a nuisance (both with the crowd annoying, and the smoking while I'm trying to sing), so, no, I didn't offer.

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