Monday, December 14, 2015

Keith at Club 55 -- Monday, 14Dec2015

A guy who runs the "senior club" saw me playing for the Senior Daycare, and asked me to come play for the Club's Christmas lunch/party. I think he meant for me to play after they were done eating, but for some reason the ham was an hour late, so I ended up playing while they were eating.

Which was pretty awkward, 'cuz it made me into background music underneath their lunch conversations instead of a concert, but I guess I'm getting used to that, and I got paid either way.

When they were done eating, though, the guy got up and made everybody stand up and sing along to "Jingle Bells", but nobody knew the second ("Miss Fanny Bright") verse. Then they wanted to do "Silent Night", but nobody knew its second verse, either. They did better with "I'll Be Home for Christmas".

Afterwards, a bunch of nice grammas came up to tell me how much they enjoyed it, and several of them took my cards, so maybe that'll turn into yet more gigs for old folks.

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