Friday, January 08, 2016

Keith at the Elks Club, kinda -- Friday, 08Jan2016

As I was making my last trip to the car after the gig at Club 32, a lady who was outside smoking stopped me to say that she and her husband had really enjoyed the music, and that I ought to play at the Elks Club. The what, now?

But I'm game for anything that might at least make a good story, so I asked how do I do that, and she said that I should go by and talk to Andy, the Entertainment Director, or even just go over there Right Now and talk to Dan the Bar Manager. I don't even know what the Elks Club does, but I know where it is, and she said they have Entertainment on Saturday nights and I'd be perfect for it.

So, what did I have to lose? I drove over there and asked the bartender to speak to Dan. I told him that one of his members thought I'd be great to play there, and gave him a card, songlist, and CD. It was karaoke night, and Dan said that he'd like to hear me sing, but I told him that I'm better when I can play my own songs on my own guitar -- or he could just listen to the CD.

He kinda wanted to hear me then and there, so I realized that I could go get my guitar and the magic bag and plug into the karaoke system. We asked the karaoke guy if that was OK, and he said that that would work. He even told Dan, "I've heard this guy and he's great!" I said, "Really? Where did you hear me?" and he said, "Aw man, I thought you'd just roll with that!" I guess I missed the wink...

So I got my stuff and the karaoke guy, Roy, asked me to play "Ain't Too Proud to Beg", which, weirdly, I'd learned a month earlier. I thought he'd caught a glimpse of my List, but, nope, he just wanted/insisted on "Ain't Too Proud to Beg". Dan had implied that I'd only get one song, and I didn't really want it to be that one, but Roy said that he was in charge and I'd get more than one. We settled on letting me play my choice first, and Roy's request second.

So I got set up and Roy introduced me as "Keith" and some people in the audience (of 30 or so) said, "Keith Comer?!?" They knew me from Indian Princesses and were already on board.

So I started with "Over the Rainbow". The room was full of older, happy, friendly, (drunk?) people, and it went over big time. Then I was obliged to play "Ain't Too Proud to Beg", which also pretty much killed. (Look at the versatility on this guy!) I was thinking that this was the weirdest thing that had happened in a long time -- leaving one gig disappointed and going to the Elks Club for an impromptu "audition" in front of a karaoke audience.

And then it got even weirder.

An older guy came up to tell me and Roy that it was 11:00 and time for "the ritual". I'm like, uh oh.

The guy dragged everyone (including me) up from their tables and barstools to stand in a circle holding hands. A lady pushed a button that made eleven slow gongs sound, and then the old guy recited a litany of praise for absent Elks Club members, soldiers, and first responders. Then Roy dug up a karaoke track for "Auld Lang Syne" and we all sang that, still holding hands in the circle.

And for the next part of the ritual, Roy put on "God Bless America", and we all sang that, too. But then, just to make it even more surreal -- and I'm not making this up -- everyone started Rockette kicking to the song. Fortunately, we were all still holding hands, so the more tipsy ones of the group had some backup when they started to fall over. I wish I'd'a gotten some pictures, but I wasn't sure how this secret society would react, and besides, both my hands were being held by strangers.

Then we had a moment of silence for the soldiers, the circle broke up and everyone went back to their chairs, and it was time for me to sing another one as if nothing had happened!

So here I am, just another day at the office, glad it wasn't a "*blood* ritual", so I fire up "You Got a Friend" -- always a reliable number for drunk people. Everybody got into it, and a group of ladies in the back joined loudly in, hugging and swaying along.

After that, Dan said I was great, and he wanted to get me there for a real gig, my price was fine, but he'd have to talk to The Committee (and Andy), but that half of them were there tonight so it wouldn't be a problem. So now I'm waiting on their call, too.

But then, on my way out, Roy wanted to talk to me about "other stuff". He said I'd be perfect at a nearby wine bar, texted me the address, gave me his card, and told me to tell the owner that he recommended me, and she'd let me -- play? Audition? Unclear, but promising.

So all of that was wacky, out of the blue, and worth it. *Something* might just happen...

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