Friday, January 22, 2016

Keith at Uncorked -- Friday, 22Jan2016

Last time was pretty good, this time was even better. I set up just behind the little half-wall that divides the retail side form the bar, so I was closer to the people. That went a long way to allowing some interaction, and getting people to join in with requests. At one point I had requests 3 or 4 deep, which was basically one for each group that was there.

The funny part is, that although I'm acting like a jukebox, I'm not an actual jukebox, and I can hear. So when someone says "Oooh! 'Shower the People'!", but doesn't actually request it, I play it anyway, given no other requests at the time -- and they get all thrilled like I'm psychic or something. People.

About halfway through, three ladies came in, one of them black. As they were settling in at the table closest to me, some guy requested "Hey, Soul Sister", so without thinking, I fired it up. Then I looked up and wondered: How racist is this? Is a "soul sister" necessarily black? Does she think I'm playing this song because she came in? Awkward. Really awkward.

But apparently she didn't take offense 'cuz once they had ordered she started requesting songs, and happily singing along. Big Simon and Garfunkel fan. Wasn't brave enough to come up and sing the girl part of "Baby, It's Cold Outside", though.

A young couple came in and sat at the low table just behind the half-wall where I couldn't see them. When I stepped forward to see if they had any requests, they looked awfully familiar, and turned out to be some fans from the Borders Café days. Wow, actual fans who seek me out -- who'd'a thought? As they left (last ones out), Melissa said, "Thanks for another great Date Night, Keith!"

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