Monday, June 20, 2005

KC - RSM 17Jun05

Fair to middlin', this time. I was all prepared to do lots of kids' songs, presumably for some in-attendance kids, since I had some copies of the new "Bears" CD available, but hardly any kids came in -- just two little girls that were there for a few songs, and had to leave. Actually, my kids were there, and two Indian Princess dads with their kids, and a mom friend with hers, but they all disappeared into the Kids' Books section all night.

I stupidly neglected to count the number of CDs that I came in with, so I don't know how many vanished but it was 3 to 5 I guess. Pretty decent tips/donations. I tried a new sound setup -- put the monitor on top of the StageMate (which was on a table to my left), pointed at my head. Might have been a big mistake, actually -- I could clearly hear any and all mistakes, bobbles, vocal warbles, etc., which made me more tense than usual, when I know I made mistakes, but can pretend that no one heard 'em. This setup makes it very clear to me that the mistakes are very clear to them. Does it serve to keep me on my toes, or paralyze me with fear? The latter, I'm afraid, so the performance was hindered, I think.

But, at least, I had no troubles at all with the "cutting out guitar" problem. It seems to definitely be that short cable (that I'm now, of course, leaving out of the setup).

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