Monday, November 08, 2010

Keith at Irvine Spectrum -- 05Nov2010

Somebody has snapped up almost all of the upcoming Food Court Saturdays, so I broke down and requested a bunch of Fridays, 'cuz I thought they'd be better than nothing. But I wasn't expecting there to be many people on a Friday, to the point where I brought out the electric guitar, figuring that I could play around with switching to it while there wasn't anyone there anyway.

But I was way wrong. There weren't many people at first, but, possibly because it was a wonderfully warm evening, people started showing up, and for no apparent reason, there were lots of attentive, appreciative people out there, all night long. I half-expected, after this presumed disaster, to have to tell the booking lady that I'd need to beg off of all those other Fridays I'd booked, but it turned out to be the best Spectrum gig I can remember.

Part of it may also have been that, for some reason, the sound was way better than it's ever been there. There was a new maintenance guy who turned the "house music" completely off (as opposed to just "down"), and there were a lot fewer screaming kids in the fountain, and maybe just a lower general hub-bub of people, or maybe I just had the knobs adjusted different. Or maybe it was because the stage got moved back in front of the ice cream bar store, so I didn't have a wall right behind me, which I now think may contribute to feedback which in turn prevents my being to turn it up as much. Whatever -- I could hear myself far better than I ever have been able to before at this place. That really helps me play and sing better.

So people were staying, and listening, and asking for songs -- it was great. My voice was even better than two weeks ago (when I thought it was "all better"), and I was able to really go for it. While I was setting up, I had asked the maintenance guy when he gets off (11:00), and told him that the last 9-10 hour was generally the best for me, so he didn't need to hurry to come out and get the lights (and shut me down). He heeded that and showed up to stop the fun at 10:30 -- literally leaving several people "begging for more".

One of whom was a guy who was there with his self-professed First Date, and who was trying Way. Too. Hard. When they arrived, they sat down right up front, and he spent most of the songs singing along and expansively miming all the lyrics, for the presumed "benefit" of his date. I don't usually think this of people, but I had to suspect some kind of "artificial courage" was at play.

Anyway, after a while, he came up and asked if I could play "Fire and Rain" and I told him I could play it with both hands tied behind my back. He said that he wanted it to become "their song". I said OK, and started flipping to it in the book, but then, thinking about it, I said, "You know, it's not really a love song." He started squirming a little at that, but then I thought about it more and said, "Actually, I guess it is kind of a love song, but the girl is dead". That got him really squirming and laughing nervously -- I suppose that wasn't the most tact I've shown lately, but I wasn't really thinking. I went ahead and played it, but I'm not sure it'll really become "their song", nor even if there'll be a second date.

So, other than that lapse of judgment, it was a really great night. I guess I'll keep the rest of those Fridays -- even though it is quite a bit tougher to play a 4 hour gig after a day's work. On the other hand, it's a great startup for the weekend. Not to mention the $75 in tips, which is a recent record -- and then there's that great "Stickin' it to The Man" rush 'cuz it's all tax free.


Valerie Park said...

Ahhahahahaha! Love it! And when I hear snatches of that song that goes "Just - like - Romeo and Juliet" I think "Really??" because they all killed themselves thinking, or finding out, that the other was dead. Lovely!

Warren said...

Wow... the stars aligned, big time...!