Monday, May 28, 2012

Keith at MV Farmer's Market - 25May2012

I was re-invited to play at the Mission Viejo Farmer's Market, so I ditched a half-day's work to do it. Unfortunately, it was cold and drizzling, but the weather report said that it was only supposed to be partly cloudy, so I went down and hoped for the best.

It never really got cold or wet enough to shut me down, but it did keep the shoppers away pretty well. I played anyway, 'cuz it's just fun to play, and the later it got, the more people showed up, so it ended up not too bad.

When I got there, the public sound system was on, playing some nice background music. When I was ready to start, the maintenance guy, Chris, was nowhere to be found, but I had prepared for this last time by following him to see where the system was hidden. So I went and shut it down myself.

But halfway through the morning, it came back on again. I tried to just ignore it, but it bugs me that somebody is bound to be halfway between where I am and where their nearest speaker is, and they'll be really annoyed by the "half of each" sound they're getting. So I had to quit playing and walk back to the far room where the system is and shut it down again. Next time (I'm already scheduled for June), I'll have to ask Chris to try to refrain from turning it back on until I'm gone.

But it was fun. Even though it was outdoors, it was nice and quiet so the sound was pretty good, which is always fun for me. And, although only a few people came over to sit and listen a spell, lots of people went to the trouble to walk over and put some money in the jar, so I guess they could hear me and were enjoying it as they were shopping, which is, I guess, the point.

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