Saturday, September 21, 2013

K&W in Laguna Beach -- Saturday, 21Sept2013

Lots of people out on a Saturday night, and we had the bench filled with listeners with requests almost the whole time. It was really great, and resulted in $86 in the jar.

Speaking of jars, three Marines came by, only slightly Drunk and Disorderly this early in the evening, and requested a bunch of hard rock songs. None of which I can play, of course, but they eventually settled on "Hey Jude" -- and then wandered off before it was half over.

Michael (a.k.a. "Jax" these days), was playing on the opposite corner, with his profanity-laced "I'm Being Oppressed By The Man" songs and inimitable "catfight" singing style. A guy walked past him and then across the street to walk past us while commenting that "That guy can't sing! And I'm a singer, so I know!" I made some kind of "Agreed" noise, and suddenly he wanted to prove that he really was a singer -- by singing, right here, right now.

I'm not actually a karaoke machine, but I figured, "What the heck", gave him my head-mic (and *then* noticed that he was smoking -- ick, cigarette mic!). He decided on "The Boxer", and did OK, but with a lot more improvised ornamentation than I'm used to. I guess it's the modern style -- you're not really singing unless you're completely screwing up the tune...

Anyway, we had a great time until about ten o'clock when we had collected so many drunk homeless guys, hollering and dancing wildly around, that the "normals" were afraid to be there. This is really starting to become a problem. It's flattering that these guys all like my songs, but they park on the bench, preventing tourists from sitting down to listen, and their antics scare away even the people that are willing to stand.

But what can you do? It's a free country, and I'm pretty sure that if I called the cops on 'em for Public Drunkenness, I'd start a feud that would be much worse than this is...

This blog post. Let me read you it.

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