Friday, May 09, 2014

Keith at Irvine Spectrum -- Friday, 09May2014

More nice weather, which brought out lots of people and lots of kids -- especially for a Friday.

I was a little disoriented after not playing so long on my vacation, but my hands remembered how to play the songs, and I got into the swing of it pretty quickly. I had people to play for the whole time, which is always nice.

And of course, lots of "Let It Go" sing-along parties. I don't know when the backlash will start to be visible, but it's not yet. I play it a lot, but it's so well-received that I doesn't bother me a bit. I do draw the line at playing it twice in a row, however, no matter how hard they plead.

As I was setting up, a dad and his little three-year-old boy walked by my guitar case, with its "starter money" and the little blinking-light "lantern" that I put in it so people will (a) notice it, and (b) not trip on it.

The little boy pointed at the blinking lights and said, "Daddy, look!" and the dad said, "Don't touch it! I think it's an alarm."

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