Monday, October 03, 2005

Birthday Party at Mom's!

We had a birthday party for my sister and I at my mom's house yesterday. My dad dragged out the old 8mm projector and we watched movies from Christmas 1955, when I was 14 months old. I'm wearing one of those one-piece footie-jammies, and I look *exactly* like "Henry" in the old comics.

We also watched a later Christmas, and what was alarming to our post-millennium eyes was the *guns*. My brother and I got guns, guns, and more guns for both Christmases. You don't see too many 14-month-olds kids with a pair of six-shooters strapped around the waist of their jammies anymore. Western-style revolvers in holsters, "Rifleman" style rifles, dart rifles with a target... All guns, all the time!

And here I am, not a serial killer at all. How'd that happen?

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