Saturday, January 17, 2009

K&W at South Coast Plaza -- 16Jan2009

Well, after the great night I had last week, this was pretty disappointing. It was really dead the whole night, and the few people who were there were mostly uninterested, and completely quiet.

But, as I've said before, playing to nobody is still better than not playing at all, and I tend to take the opportunity to play new stuff that I'm not entirely sure is gonna work, which is fun. Unfortunately, and oddly, for the fist time since I can remember, no new songs were lodged in my brain forcing me to learn them this week. So I had no completely new songs, but there's always the big stack of kinda-new ones to play with.

We did have an occasional friendly face. Two ladies were looking for a place to settle down with their coffee and snacks, and I happened to be in between songs, so I gave 'em my traditional, "No extra charge for the comfy chairs down front!" line, and dragged them in. They were good about it, and asked for a few tunes, but didn't stay long. And at the end we had a couple of old guys (you know, my age), who really liked our stuff, but it was closing time so they were only there for three or four songs.

Actually, Dave was supposed to come by too, but, of course he didn't. Every once in a while, he asks if I'm playing this weekend, which, since I play almost every weekend, I usually am. Then he acts like he might come out, but he always cops out at the end. I don't know what the problem is, but I also don't know why he bothers to pretend like he'll show up when it never happens. This time, he called me that morning to warn me that he "might not be able to make it", because his wife's uncle was sick. C'mon Dave -- really? You're going with "sick uncle"? You can do better than that.

And he did. At 5:00 he called to tell me that there had been a computer virus outbreak, and he'd have to stay by the phone, just in case. That's much better.

Anyway, we'll assume that the place was empty 'cuz it's a three day weekend, and look forward to next week. I'd hate to have to give up on Borders entirely, but that was hardly worth the effort to drive out there. Especially with the Spectrum Food Court calling my name...

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