Friday, January 23, 2009

New Playing Opportunity?

There's a new little wine-bar near our house that reportedly has live music in it. Daleen and I peeked in on Saturday night, and it looked like it might be fun, so I dropped by to talk to the owner last night. I had to wait 20 minutes or so as the owner was putting together an order for an indecisive lady who was hosting a party or reception, and needed lots of hand-holding choosing wine for the party itself and as gifts.

When I finally got to talk to him, he acted like I was on his front porch trying to get him to read a pamphlet about my personal savior, so I'm not really expecting this to go anywhere. He has a standup sidewalk chalk board out front that claims "Live Music Tues thru Sun", but when I asked about that he admitted that he doesn't really have anyone on Tuesday and Wednesday (and maybe Thursday?). I said that I'd prefer to play on either Friday or Saturday nights, and he said that he already has someone on those nights, affirming when I asked that those guys are booked indefinitely. I'm surprised (and dismayed) that people are giving out "every Saturday from now on" (or, in the Food Court, "every Friday in March") commitments. I would never have the temerity to even ask for such a thing...

Anyway, I left him with a CD and a card, and he said he'd listen to it and get back to me -- though it didn't feel like he actually would. I think I'll try to compose a follow-up email to him today with some of the details/qualifications that I was too tongue-tied to relate last night. (I really suck at interviewing.) It seems awfully degrading to have to be begging some guy to allow you to work, for free, at his tiny little place. Part of "The Dues", I guess, though since I'm not expecting to "go" anywhere, I don't know what I'm paying dues *for*.

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