But it was still fun. Not a whole lot of people, of course, but enough to play to most of the time, with occasional bursts of quite appreciative folks. And in the empty spaces, I got to play the new songs I've been working up during the vacation.
One of which is "Come Together", which I worked up a few years ago, but it's kind of silly even in the real recording, so I've been to embarrassed to play it. But there was literally nobody there, so I thought I'd do it for fun, and naturally some people show up and plop down to hear it. Turned out to be a couple of twenty-something Beatles fans, and they seemed to think it was pretty cool. So, I played several more Beatle songs for them -- the ones that aren't embarrassing. Perfect timing -- I guess I'm on some kind of Beatle kick lately, 'cuz I've also worked up "Hold Me Tight", "If I Fell", and "The Night Before".
The oldest thing that happened, though, was when this sullen punk-boy strolled up and dropped what turned out to be fifty cents in the jar, and took a CD. Warren commented, "You never know..." as he walked away, but then he stopped about fifteen feet in front of the stage, and threw the CD at the ground as hard as he could, shattering the case and sending plastic pieces everywhere. I guess you really do "never know".
Apparently, he figured be was making a stinging social commentary, but I was already pretty aware that everybody doesn't like the same music that I like, so it didn't bother me much. Actually, I thought that be should have been grateful that we made it so cheap for him to impress his friends with his grand gesture.
Anyway, pretty fun. I hope they keep the Food Court free to play at even later in the year when it gets warmer. They're threatening to charge a $50 set up fee, but we're not really prepared to lose money on the deal, although, with better weather we'd get more people, and would probably cover it. But still. Playing for free is one thing -- paying for the privilege to seems a little usury.
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