Unfortunately, the camera's "aim" was pretty off, mostly because I felt self-conscious doing the 5 or 6 timered still shots that it takes to try, adjust, and try again to get the zoom and X and Y angles right. At Spectrum, there's nobody sitting and waiting for me/us to start, so I have the luxury of getting it right. Here, where it mattered, I screwed up. You can see the results above -- it's just straight at my face, which isn't exactly what I'm going for. I like to get some of the guitar in there, and if Warren's there, he ought to be in the frame somewhere, too. I remembered to go to "widescreen" mode, but still didn't get him in there.
All of which has made me mad enough to try to do something about it -- I've built a little cardboard-and-mirrors "periscope" that hangs on the back of the camera and lets me see what the backside screen looks like, albeit upside-down. I should have better results next time.
Anyway, it was a great time, 'cuz we had people listening the whole night, and were able to keep their interest by being not-too-shabby. One highlight: someone asked for an old K&W staple, "Love Hurts" off the list, which I've neglected for a long time, but it really sounds great and is fun to play, so I'm gonna have to try to move it into my mental "A" or at least "B" list. It's probably even useful as a bone to throw out when some kids sarcastically ask for Metallica or some such, since it's well-known on dinosaur-rock radio in a version by metal-band Anthrax.
Since the camera's aim was so off, I haven't clipped any of the (probably musically good) songs out of it yet. I may do a few, though, when I get the time, just 'cuz they're likely to be the best *sounding* clips I'll have.
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