Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Keith at Laguna Beach -- 23Oct2012

No rain this time, but it's starting to get a bit cold out there already. Not a lot of normal people out, but I had a full contingent of the Regular Crowd. I suppose that "homeless" also means "TV-less", so these people don't have much else to do. None of them are particularly bad off -- there's a pretty good structure for them with the Shelter to sleep at (though most of the guys don't), and local restaurant employees and patrons coming out and handing them food. They have cell phones, and reasonably nice (and clean) clothes. But no TVs, and nowhere else to go. And though they've all seen me a dozen times, they really do seem to appreciate the distraction.

The good part is that there's always somebody there to play for, and people tend to pay more attention if *other* people are paying attention. On the other hand, if the regulars are acting boisterous or erratic, I sometimes think that the regular people passing by are reticent to stop and be too close to some of these "sketchy characters"...

Anyway, I did manage to get a few "other" people to stop. One young couple started dancing to some love songs, and caused a lot laughter when their dog tried to join in on the dancing, the only way an un-neutered male knows how to. And later I had a couple that really needed to get back to their hotel in Anaheim so they could get some sleep before their early flight back to Florida, but I kept playing my best stuff and keeping them there. I'm so mean...

The first tip of the night was from a lady who breezed through the corner and, without slowing down, stuffed a five and three ones into the jar on her way through. I get fives, and I get lots of ones, and an occasional ten or twenty, and even, once, a fifty, but exactly eight dollars? That was either incredibly and inexplicably specific, or absolutely random, but I guess I'll never know which.

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