Thursday, November 08, 2012

K&W at Laguna Beach -- 07Nov2012

We thought we'd give it one more go down in Laguna, especially considering the little warm snap we had. (Originally, we meant to go down on our usual Tuesday night, but bumped it a day when Warren's wife pointed out that it was election night. D'oh!) By Wednesday, the warm snap was over though, and almost nobody was out.

We did have fun for a while, playing for a three-year-old boy and his mom, who had come out to get some groceries. He was quite a dancer, and Mom had a hard time dragging him away. And I didn't help matters much when I deliberately broke out the kids' Christmas songs...

And we attracted the attention of a new homeless guy, who seemed quite lucid at first, but was, shall we say, riding a different bus than the rest of us. He decided that we "sounded really good", so he settled in on the bench to add some harmony. Unfortunately, his definition of "harmony" is somewhat different than usual, and he'd just start sing/chanting a kind of "rhythm track" of something like "ticka-bit-a-tick", over and over, without any particular pitch, nor any rhythmic relation to the sing I was singing. But he was totally committed to it, and kept it going, essentially at random, whether I was in a song yet or not. It was terribly distracting, of course, but I just kept on playing, presuming/hoping that the amp was louder than he was.

He stayed for far too long, but suddenly stood up and gave us a parting lecture on "the *freq*uency", and how he "*was* music", and a lot of other stuff that was delivered in completely authentically composed sentences that were nonetheless, absolutely unparseable. It was actually kind of amazing, because it was *so close* to making sense, but just didn't, quite. I wish I'd'a had a recorder...

Later on, we had another "Laguna Only" moment when a homeless burnout surfer type guy wandered through, carrying a box, and with a live crow perched on his wooly stocking cap. The crow seemed reasonably comfortable up there, but the feathers on his tail and one wing were pretty trashed, so he probably couldn't fly and been rescued by the surfer, who will hopefully keep him fed until the feathers grow back and he can fly away.


John Johnson said...

You guys are hardcore... reminds me of the drum circle I went to last week. Lots of fun until somebody handed the loudest instrument available to an eight-year-old with no rhythm whatsoever.

Warren Allen said...

Thanks for reminding me of the dramatic highlights of this otherwise rather slow night!