Thursday, November 01, 2012

K&W at Laguna Beach -- 30Oct2012

Well, street-corner playing is definitely all over, at least for weeknights. And at least until the Christmas shopping season. It was pretty much a ghost town. Not only that, but a couple of guys had gotten to The Corner before I got there at 6:30. So I strolled around and talked to the bored restaurant hostesses and the girl who works at the nearby T-shirt store who frequently comes out to listen when she's bored. It was actually kind of nice to look around the area, since I normally have to bee-line to The Corner and don't get to sight-see.

Warren got there at 7:00, and the guys hadn't give up yet, so we went and played in the Alley for a while. I just played and sang acoustically, since there wasn't anybody there anyway, and it gave us a chance to play through some new, as-yet-unlearned songs.

After a while, the Other Guys walked by, having abandoned The Corner, so we relocated and I deployed the amp and all, but it didn't get much better. We somehow pulled in 18 bucks, but even the homeless guys weren't out. Maybe everybody was at home, working on their costumes...

1 comment:

John Johnson said...

Do you remember the good old days
Before the ghost town?
We danced and sang,
And the music played inna de boomtown.