Saturday, November 02, 2013

K&W in Laguna Beach -- Saturday, 02Nov2013

The weather was quite nice, so there were lots of people out, and we got a good response just about the whole time we were out there. I sold 2 CDs and we pulled in $86, which is not bad for November...

A nice family stopped on the bench to eat their ice cream, and the two little girls knew all my Disney songs. When they finished their ice cream, I gave 'em some fingerlights -- I always have to wait until they're done so I don't get the parents mad at me for distracting the kids prematurely. Lots of people find it cute when there are kids playing and dancing to the songs, so a bit of a crowd had formed.

When I ran out of Disney songs, I decided to play "Puff, the Magic Dragon", which always goes over pretty well. I started it up, but then realized that (the way I play it, at least), it's pretty lively, and a perfect opportunity for the kids to play along. So I stopped and passed out the three toy tambourines to the three kids that (I *thought*) were tehre, but as I was doing so -- just like when I start giving out fingerlights at Spectrum -- more kids appeared out of nowhere. Fortunately, I also had four egg-shakers, so I got those out and passed 'em around and covered most everybody.

By the time I re-started the song, there was a huge crowd gathered, and with all the added percussion, it was quite a song, and quite a scene. Definitely the highlight of the evening -- I'll have to try to remember how I did that...

Click 'Play' to hear the "podcast version". (Fair warning: it's really just me ramblin' on about this gig for 4 minutes.)


John Johnson said...

Fortune favors the prepared.

Linda Stabel said...

Sounds fun, I can see the smiles!