Saturday, July 19, 2014

Keith at MV Artisan's Faire -- Saturday, 19July2014

They apparently love me at the Artisan's Faire, 'cuz I'm kind of the default band. I only didn't do last month because it was the same day as the Fete de la Musique in Laguna.

I asked for, and got placed closer to the other booths, 'cuz last time it was pretty lonely way out on the edge. Being closer also made it a little easier for people to come up and look through the list and/or buy a CD.

One lady came up and said that she'd seen me a few weeks earlier in Laguna. She had taken a card because she works for Ayres Hotels, and wants to call me the next time she's planning a party 'cuz, "You're great!" Sounds good to me.

But there were hardly any people there, again, although that makes it nice and quiet. Which makes it easy to hear what I'm doing, but puts a level of pressure on me that I'm not used to 'cuz it means I can't screw up...

1 comment:

John Johnson said...

Time to change the business cards
"pretty good music" to "pretty great music".