Saturday, June 13, 2015

K&W in Laguna Beach -- Saturday, 13June2015

You'd kind of expect that each Saturday leading up and to summer would be better than the last. But the last three Saturdays have each been worse than the one before it. Maybe it was the gloomy weather that kept people at home this time, but it was pretty empty.

Warren had gotten there at 7:20 to wait out the Tommies, but he discovered that they hadn't come at all, so he called me and I got down there as fast as I could. We had a three-generation family on the bench even before we started, but they must have liked the music 'cuz they stayed for about an hour. And bought CDs, too.

Later on a guy came up to buy a CD, but he only had a twenty. I told him to go ahead and make change out of the jar, but it was early and there wasn't much big money so he had to count out a bunch of ones. And 5 minutes later he came up to buy a second one, for some reason. At least this time he had exact change...

And I did have a "Let It Go" singalong, except the three kids didn't actually sing at all. Unclear on the concept, apparently.

Anyway, oddly slow night, and the people who were there were strangely apathetic. Maybe it was me...

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