Saturday, June 27, 2015

K&W in Laguna Beach -- Saturday, 27June2015

Right after I finished playing at the private party in Irvine, Warren gave me a call and was down on The Corner, watching the Tommies pack up. So I pulled through and got a burger, and drove straight down there. The party was only two hours of playing, so with the teardown, driving, and setup time, I got an hour break and was ready for lots more.

The weather was weird and cloudy and distinctly non-summer-like, so I didn't expect many people, but there were lots of tourists out anyway, so we had people there listening the whole time. There was a girl having her 21st birthday so I played the song for her, and lots of families with kids so I gave out a passle of fingerlights. Seemed like a preponderance of nice Asian families on vacation -- must have been some kind of break week in China or Japan or somewhere. I just played lots of "Country Roads" ("The Song Known 'Round The World") and "Let It Be". I reckon maybe a lot of those fingerlights were going back to China where they came from.

We got started about 8, and Warren had to get up early so he left at 11, but I played an extra half hour, mostly for a nice tourist couple who must have just arrived and weren't sleepy 'cuz they were still on "South Florida" time and wouldn't let me quit.

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