Thursday, May 20, 2010

Keith at Irvine Spectrum -- 15May2010

Unexpectedly low turnout, compared to recent weeks. I think it was the weather, which was warm and sunny in the day but turned chilly and windy, forcing inadvertently inappropriately dressed shoppers to go home early.

And those that did show up were unusually subdued. And a lot fewer teens than usual -- Prom season? I played to a lot of dead silence, but there were patches of enthusiastic people, and somehow there was almost $50 in the jar, so I must have sounded good to somebody, sometime.

I put up 4 video cameras this time, and caught some decent footage in several of them. Unfortunately, now that the experiment of "Can I do it?" (meaning, cut several cameras' footage into one, more interesting, video) is over, I'm left wondering "Why am I doing it?"

I suppose each one I've done is a little better than the last, since I'm getting beyond just making it work and into making it "pretty". And I'm getting bolder with the zooming and panning effects, as I see that they really do work. Of course, now I'm probably pushing them too far...

Anyway, I guess each one I do can be a replacement for previous ones, if they are a better performance or video take/edit. I'm compiling them onto a sub-page of my home page, where they could be an "audition page" if some venue would ever deign to enter the modern age and accept a URL instead of a physical CD. So far that's never happened, but someday...

Check out some new videos here.

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