Sunday, January 27, 2013

Keith in Laguna Beach -- 27Jan2013

It turned out to be easy to remove the batteries from the amp's case, and run the wires outside to connect each battery in turn, instead of both at the same time. I was hoping to discover that one of them was damaged/dead in some way, or something. And the sun came out so I thought it would be worth going down and killing two birds.

I got started at 3:20, and although it wasn't exactly beach weather, there were lots of people out. Even before I got started, my friend Susie and her husband came by. Their little south-Laguna store, Twig, is closed for remodeling, so they had the day off to go for a stroll downtown.

The first battery lasted and hour and ten minutes. I swapped in the other one, and only got forty-five minutes more. The combined time was just about what I was getting when they were both connected, so no surprises or revelations there. I guess I just need to buy new batteries, but the good news is that I found out that these batteries are pretty commonly used in Uninterruptible Power Supplies, emergency lighting, fish finders, electric wheelchairs, powered scooters, and other stuff, so they're pretty easily available on Amazon. I ordered two, with higher Amp-hour ratings than the originals, for less than the amp store charges for one.

The second battery gave up during the last chorus of "Hallelujah", just when I had some people snagged and actually plunked down on the bench to listen. Bad timing, but once the batteries are dead, I'm done. I'm getting pretty tired of hassling with batteries -- hopefully, the new ones will put all this behind me. But I may have to start coming down on more Sunday afternoons -- I made $29 in only 2 hours, with lots more friendly people than we see on Tuesday nights.

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