Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Keith at the Sawdust Festival -- Wednesday, 14Aug2013

My third and final Sawdust gig for this year, and at their third and final stage. This one's called "The Tavern", where there's some fast food, desserts, and yes, alcohol. It's a nice little stage back in a kind of grotto, with some tables up front, and a bunch more farther back.

It was a lot quieter than the other two - I guess because summer's winding down, and it was a Wednesday night. But I had people to play for the whole time, and it's a nice, quiet, and friendly place to play. Still not fond of that half-hour on, half-hour off schedule, but I guess when you're getting paid, you do what you're told.

1 comment:

John Johnson said...

Glad to see there was no need to put a curtain of chicken wire up between the stage and the patrons. I am >definitely< coming next year!