Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Keith at Elliot Inn Party -- Tuesday, 16Dec2014

This was the Holiday Party for my brother's "Elliot Inn" lawyer club that I played for back in September. It was at a fancy restaurant's ball room in Irvine. Everybody except me was in a suit, but, you know, they're lawyers. And I did wear a tie...

It was probably twice as big of a party than the other lawyer party I played at a week earlier. So louder and "looser". No clapping, but several people came up to say nice things. And take a card.

Since it was lawyers again, I put out my "CDs are free. (My tip jar is over there -->)" sign. This is meant to invoke the usual "Suggested donation" dodge of people who don't have business licenses -- cheerleader carwashes, etc. I had thought that lawyers, especially, would get the joke, and not take me at my word and go home with free CDs.

And one guy took a CD and put in a tenner. But four more guys took CDs and put on a buck or three. So I didn't lose money on the deal, but it sure shook my faith in humanity when these guys who make a couple hundred bucks an hour for their expertise decided that mine was worth so little...

Unexpectedly, they had also scheduled a guy to give a humorous (to lawyers) speech about the wild and wooly old days of Orange County law. Luckily for them, I had set up a spare microphone that (barely) reached the podium where he stood. He finished up with only 15 minutes left of the party, so I played some more, but the place was emptying out as people decided that the end of the speech was the end of the party.

So, not great, but a better lawyer party than the last one. The CD debacle left a bad taste in my mouth, but I did get paid, so I should shut up.

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