Monday, July 30, 2012

K&W at Laguna Beach -- 24July2012

Another great night on the corner in Laguna. It's tourist season, so there's lots of people out, and lots of them are up for the "authentic Laguna Street Music experience. Or hungry for ice cream -- not sure which.

We had lots of listeners, and collected lots of tips, but the clincher was when my sweet lady doctor finally made good on her promise to come see me play sometime. She lives somewhere nearby in Laguna, so she came by after work, though that proved to be almost 9:00. The good part about that was that she had us pretty much to herself by that point. She brought two cute daughters, who she kept sending up with more and more money, and I'm pretty sure that she contributed about $50 of the evening's record $125 take, all by herself -- though, even without her participation, we were already breaking the record. Not bad for a Tuesday.

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