Thursday, July 19, 2012

Keith at Irvine Spectrum -- 14July2012

Not as many people out this time. They might have been scared off by the hot muggy days before this one, but it was actually quite nice. So I played to a steady but small stream of people, and never even got a kid party started. But there was always someone to play for, and I had fun.

At one point, a family showed up with three kids who had seen me there before, and remembered my songs. The two-year-old came up and mumbled something that I managed to decode as "Twinkle Twinkle", and the older daughter wanted to hear "Woody!" (which meant "You've Got a Friend in Me" from "Toy Story"). It's great to have "fans".

It didn't seem like very many people were coming up to ask for songs but apparently there were, because I sold 15 CDs and there was $180 in the jar. Sometimes even the nights that felt just "fair" were actually "darn good".

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