Tuesday, March 12, 2013

K&W in Laguna Beach -- 12Mar2013

Warren thought it would be nice to go down on a "no-Tom-Tuesday", and I agreed, since I needed to get the bad taste of Sunday's all-acoustic disaster out of my mouth. But when I got there, Tom was already on The Corner, and reportedly had been for a long time. Apparently he means to make a full-time job of it. Foiled again!

But the Alley was empty, and I managed to bring all the required amplification stuff this time, so I set up there. Warren showed up after a while, and we noticed that Tom had finally left, so I moved down to The Corner. Not a lot of people out at first, but it was a nice night, and it was fun to just be playing, audibly. And with the wireless mic and guitar, I can wander out in front of the speaker to tune the volume and tone and feel good about what I sound like.

Mostly uneventful, until 7:30 or so when a guy came by and was listening with just a little *too much* interest. He actually seemed to be "studying" us -- he didn't/wouldn't request anything, but he took a picture of the song list, and I'm pretty sure he was doing some recordings, too. Not sure what that was about...

Then some ladies sat down to eat their ice cream, and I correctly guessed that the right song to do was "Jet Plane", which caused one of them to loudly sing along. She requested Don McLean, so I got to play my recently-learned "Vincent", which had 'em swooning. And I guess all that attention was contagious, because before I knew it, there was 8 or 10 middle-aged couples sitting and standing around, like some kind of concert or something. (Warren's picture above only captured part of the line-up.)

I ran through all my best, sweetest, most nostalgic stuff. It was a pretty magical half-hour or so. Some of the people were brave enough to pick some songs, and lots of people came over to stuff the jar. I think it may have been a kind of "post dinner" thing -- people wandering home or to their cars, with no pressing schedule.

Anyway, as that started to break up, a couple came up to me and the lady, looking at my sign, asked, "Did you apply to play at the Sawdust Festival?" I said, "Yes, I did, but I haven't heard anything back yet." She said, "I'm on the Entertainment Committee. We're going to decide next week. You'll be getting a call."

Wow. Finally! I've been trying to get into the Sawdust Festival for years, but every time I remember to apply, it's been too late -- already all booked (at least that's what they tell me -- maybe they just think I suck and it's the easiest excuse). This year, I sent an email in January, but there's nothing like having someone actually come by and hear you -- especially since she happened to be there just as the magic was happening!

So, a good night that turned great (especially for a Tuesday!), restored my faith in my viability down there, didn't get busted, possibly lined up a coveted gig, and we pulled in $60 to boot (I don't know who put that twenty in there, but thanks!). I reckon all that makes it the Best. Night. Ever. down there.

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