Friday, March 01, 2013

Keith at Irvine Spectrum -- 01Mar2013

Nice weather, and lots of people out. Kinda slow at first, but then a surprising number of people stopped to actually listen for a while, hanging out around the planterboxes or the new comfy chairs. My brother and his wife came by, and probably helped by showing the others that it was OK to move the chairs and to actually pay attention to the music guy.

And it seemed like, the later it got, the more people were joining in, so I ended up playing for five and a half hours, ending at 11:30. The good part about being there so late is that the fountain goes completely off at 11, so it finally gets really quiet. I remembered to turn on the recording app in my iPad towards the end, and once the fountain noise disappears, the recordings are pretty passable. (If these links don't work in the email, go to the actual blog page by clicking the "y7alanzo" the link at the bottom.)

All My Loving
Wonderful Tonight

I was in the middle of a song, and a woman I used to work with at Toshiba walked up and stood there, holding out her business card. I couldn't take it from her, of course, but she stood there, and stood there, and stood there, looking at me expectantly. Finally she mouthed "Do you remember me?", and I nodded, trying to keep the song together at the same time. So she tossed the card on the table, turned around and left.

After the song was over I said, "I wonder how she thought I was going to take that card from her?", and everyone laughed, but now I realize that she thought I could read her name off of it, which, from 10 feet away, on a business card?!? Not likely. I don't know what her hurry was so she couldn't, say, wait a minute or two for the song to end and actually talk to me, but whatever.

Anyway, good night, good tips, and I'm finally over that cold enough that I didn't even notice it, or have to fight with it.

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