Saturday, June 21, 2014

K&W in Laguna Beach -- Saturday, 21June2014

So the Fête ran from 1:30 to 4:30, so I just rolled on down to The Corner afterwards and set up to play some more. I bought a yummy Greek chicken wrap thing from the shop next to the ice cream store, had some dinner, and was playing again around 5:00. And we had lots of nice people all night long so I couldn't seem to cut if off until 10. Longest I've ever played in one day -- eight hours is toooo long. Especially since I'd been recording a new Kids' CD the whole week before, so my fingers and voice were already partially worn out.

And indeed, it was literally too long for my iPad songbook. When its battery went out at 9:30, I had to play only songs that I've got memorized, which is a pretty short list 'cuz I'm used to the safety net of the words and chords sitting there, even if I only need a glace or two. But actually, having been forced to try, I was surprised to be able to do at least nine songs: Hotel California, The Boxer, Blackbird, Over the Rainbow, You Got a Friend, Homeward Bound, Let It Be, Sounds of Silence, and Leaving On a Jet Plane.

Warren's friend, fiddler Doug Miller, came past on his way from the Fête, and joined in on 4 or 5 songs. He's very good, but he thinks so too, and plays too loud, and quite distractingly. It's somewhat amazing that he can play louder than my amplified guitar and voice with just his fiddle. It was pretty cool, but I wasn't disappointed when he had to leave...

So, we had a great time overall, made pretty good tips, and I sold another 10 CDs, which is flattering. But, ouch, my fingers...

1 comment:

Warren Allen said...

My fingertips were raw half way through, but this was one of my best experiences of us playing together... it was just so... happening...!